
May 15, 2023

Signs of Learning Disabilities in Children – Their Causes and Treatment

Have you ever faced difficulty learning a new concept or skill? Perhaps you’ve struggled to recall information, found yourself repeating tasks, or had trouble comprehending instructions. These are common hurdles that most of us encounter at some point in our lives.

  However, for individuals with learning disabilities, these challenges can be an everyday

An occurrence that affects their ability to learn and process information. It’s crucial to recognize that learning disabilities are not indicative of a lack of intelligence, but rather a unique way of processing information. Vidya Vikas is a Pediatric Neuroscience Center in Nashik catering to children with learning difficulties and provides support to individuals who face these challenges. By gaining an understanding of the nature of learning disabilities, we can develop effective strategies to help individuals overcome their difficulties and reach their full potential.

 What is a learning disability?

A learning disability is a neurological condition that affects a child’s ability to process and comprehend information. This reduction in cognitive function can make it challenging for them to learn and master certain academic and social skills during the early school years, resulting in difficulties with listening, reading, writing, speaking, understanding mathematical concepts, and general comprehension.

However, it’s essential to recognize that a learning disability is not an indicator of a child’s intelligence or drive, nor is it caused by external factors such as poor parenting or environmental factors. Rather, it is a neurological condition that can occur independently or in combination with other disorders, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia.

Early diagnosis and specialized intervention, for instance, Specific Learning Disability (SLD) treatment like Dyslexia treatment can help children with learning disabilities to overcome their challenges and achieve academic and social success. By understanding the complexities of learning disabilities and providing the necessary support, we can create an environment that empowers children with these challenges to reach their full potential and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Most Common Types of Learning Disabilities

Dyslexia: Affects a child’s ability to read, write, and spell. Children with dyslexia may have difficulty recognizing words, spelling, and writing coherently. Due to the reading difficulties associated with dyslexia, children may develop a tendency to avoid reading altogether, leading to a further widening of the gap between them and their peers in terms of reading skills. Unfortunately, this problem only exacerbates as they grow older, potentially resulting in academic struggles. Early intervention is therefore critical in providing dyslexic children with the necessary support to overcome reading difficulties and succeed in school. Dyslexia treatment typically includes a combination of educational interventions, therapy, and accommodations to help individuals with dyslexia learn and succeed.

Dyspraxia: Impacts a child’s ability to plan and coordinate movement. Children with dyspraxia may struggle with physical activities such as tying their shoelaces, catching a ball, or holding a pen.

Dyscalculia: Affects a child’s mathematical abilities, including basic arithmetic, problem-solving, and understanding of mathematical concepts.

Dysgraphia: Impacts a child’s ability to write and communicate through written language. Children with dysgraphia may struggle with forming letters, organizing their thoughts into coherent sentences, and expressing themselves effectively in writing.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A learning disability that affects a child’s ability to focus and regulate their behavior, leading to difficulty in completing tasks and staying on track.

How do I know if my child has a learning disability?

Check if your child has difficulty in:


Recognizing and identifying shapes, colors, and letters. Difficulty in learning to count and identify numbers.

Difficulty in learning to speak or forming sentences. Difficulty in understanding or following directions.

Difficulty in socializing or playing with other children.

Primary School:

Pronouncing simple words like a,b,c, and d. Difficulty remembering words in rhymes or songs. Difficulty in concentrating on tasks.

Difficulty in following rules and directions.

Difficulty using fine/gross motor skills in doing tasks. Recognizing similar sound letters such as Y & I. Difficulty in reading, spelling, or writing.

Confusion recognizing “b” with “d,” “on” with “no,” and “s” with “5”. Difficulty doing math problems.

Memorizing, organizing, and learning difficulty in concepts.

Middle School:

Comprehending similar words (sea/see, week/weak). Tight grip while writing, slow writing speed.

Memorizing or recalling difficulty.

Excessive emotional, rebellious, or arrogant behavior.

High School:

Reading and writing tasks.

Comprehending and applying logical problem-solving. Poor memory, problem in recalling.

Issues in socializing and adapting to surroundings. Understanding abstract concepts.

Focusing consistently.

How do we conduct Diagnosis for learning disabilities and what are the treatment procedures?

The diagnosis of learning disabilities is a crucial step toward effective treatment. A proper assessment can help in identifying the existing types of learning disabilities, selecting the best treatment approach, and encouraging self-improvement in the child. At Vidya Vikas Pediatric Neurosciences Center, our specialists conduct a thorough evaluation of each child, including interviews with parents, teachers, and peers, to identify learning disabilities. For older children, a questionnaire might be used to evaluate their responses and the following areas shall be evaluated:

  • IQ (intelligence quotient) testing
  • Vision/Hearing/Speech assessment
  • Fine motor skills assessment
  • Learning Disability assessment

The tests also include a review of the child’s school records and watching how they act in a classroom. And once the diagnosis is complete, our specialists initiate the treatment plan. The treatment may involve one or more combinations of the following therapies:

Individualized Education Program (IEP): Each child has a unique way of learning and faces different challenges. An IEP program is customized to address the child’s specific learning difficulties and to help them improve in targeted areas. When working with children with dyslexia, special education teachers focus on helping the children learn:

● The names and sounds of letters

● How different words and parts of words look and sound

● How to break up words into different parts

● How to put different parts of words together like a puzzle

  Treatment can also involve giving children extra time to take tests or do certain tasks.

Occupational and Behavioral Therapies: Occupational therapy aims to help children improve their daily living skills and achieve their developmental milestones. Our therapists work with children to develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and sensory integration through various activities and exercises.

Music, Art, and Dance Therapies: Extracurricular activities such as music, art, and dance can help children unlock their physical and mental potential. These activities engage children in fun and interactive ways, promoting positive behavior and self-expression.

Speech Therapy: Speech therapy aims to improve a child’s ability to communicate effectively by working on their speech, language, and communication skills. It can help children overcome difficulties in pronunciation, stuttering, or articulation.

Behavioral therapy: Behavioral therapy helps children develop coping skills and strategies to manage their emotions and behavior. It aims to identify the triggers that lead to undesirable behavior and develop effective ways to manage them

Special education is the primary means of treating learning disabilities, involving instruction from teachers specially trained in the field. Special education approaches vary based on the specific learning disability but may include the use of visual aids such as pictures to supplement written or spoken language, memory aids, or organization strategies. Some children with learning disabilities may also receive additional time to complete tests or assignments. Early diagnosis and treatment of learning disabilities is crucial, as it can significantly improve a child’s academic performance and future success in school.